Every project manager professional understands risks are inherent in projects. No amount of planning can overcome risk or the inability to control chance events. Plans are essentially lists of things to do. More often than not, what is missing from plans is a serious consideration of what can go wrong. In the context of projects, the risk is the chance that an undesirable event will occur and the consequences of all its possible outcomes. Thus, this four-day course aims to understand how risk management attempts to recognize and manage potential and unforeseen trouble spots when a project is implemented.
This 4-half day course is focused on risk management techniques and best practices through the use of lectures, video clips, small group case studies, and discussions, as well as hands-on simulations geared towards identifying as many risk events as possible (what can go wrong). Participants will learn how to minimize the impact (what can be done about the event before the project begins), managing response to those events that do materialize (contingency plans) and providing contingency funds to cover risk events that emerge.
This program is not a classroom lecture. Participants will work in teams to plan a real-world risk management project. The team environment amplifies and accelerates participants learning. It also prepares participants to manage their projects in the work environment. This course also allows each team to build an individual project risk management idea from design to completion, emulating the project management life cycle. This course is 100% compliant with the Project Management Institute’s (PMI’s®) current PMBOK.
Who Should Attend and Prerequisites
This course is primarily designed for professionals who have or will be assigned project risk management responsibilities; project managers, project leaders, or anyone performing in those roles or soon perform in those roles. This course can be customized to many industries.
As prerequisites, participants should have basic management skills, be involved, or plan to become involved with project management. Participants should also understand basic accounting and budgeting skills, which will be utilized in budgeting project risk management costs and practical exercises during the course.
What You Will Achieve (Specific Objectives)
By the end of this course, participants will achieve the following results:
■ A clear understanding of the project risk management process
■ The ability to assess project risk through PMI’s PMBOK’s four-steps process:
- Risk Identification
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Response Development
■ Contingency Planning
■ Contingency Funding
- Risk Response Control
■ Change Control Management
Join us on 21st (Mon) to 24th (Thur) March 2022 @ Singapore Time (GMT +8) from 8:30am to 12:30pm LIVE ONLINE ZOOM TRAINING